esverify: Verifying Dynamically-Typed
Higher-Order Functional Programs
by SMT Solving
Christopher Schuster, Sohum Banerjea, Cormac Flanagan
University of California, Santa Cruz
{cschuste, sobanerj, cormac}

JavaScript Verification: max

JavaScript Verification: double

Dynamic Idioms: jQuery

// all API calls through '$' function/object
import $ from 'jquery';

// schedule a function to be called on load
$(function () { console.log('ready!'); });

// select all input elements in first form
const x = $('input', document.forms[0]);

// create new input elements with attributes
const y = $('<input>', { type: 'text' });

Dynamic Idioms: Promises

// create a resolved promise with a value

  .then(console.log) // 42

Promise.resolve({ then: 42 })
  .then(console.log) // { then: 42 }

// create a promise with a "thenable"

Promise.resolve({ then: fulfill =>fulfill(42)})
  .then(console.log) // 42

Static Checking for JavaScript

  • Static Type Checking
    • Dedicated syntax for expressing types
    • Limited Expressiveness
    • Static typing and subtyping rules
  • Program Verification
    • Assertions written as boolean expressions
    • Disjunction, conjunction, negation, etc.
    • Subtyping is implication

Simple Verification Conditions

function max(a, b) {
  ensures(result => result >= a);

  if (a > b) {
    return a;
  } else {
    return b;
$ \forall a \forall b. $
$ ~~~~~~\,\texttt{typeof}(a) = ``number'' $ $ \wedge~~~~\texttt{typeof}(b) = ``number" $


$ \wedge~~~~a > b~\Rightarrow~result\negmedspace=\negmedspace a$

$ \wedge~~~~\lnot (a > b)~\Rightarrow~result\negmedspace=\negmedspace b$

$ \Longrightarrow result \ge a $

Challenges for Verification:
Loops and Recursion

  • Loops and recursion lead to unbound number of paths
  • Inferring loop invariants and post-conditions undecidable
  • Proposed Solution: Explicit code annotations for postconditions and invariants
    • Ensure decidable and predictable verification process

Loops: Sum of Natural Numbers

function sumTo (n) {
  requires(n >= 0);
  ensures(res => res === (n + 1) * n / 2);

  let i = 0;
  let s = 0;
  while (i < n) {
    invariant(i <= n);
    invariant(s === (i + 1) * i / 2);
    s = s + i;
  return s;

Function Definitions and Calls

function max(a, b) {
  ensures(result => result >= a);

  if (a > b) {
    return a;
  } else {
    return b;

const x = max(23, 42);
assert(x >= 23);

$ \forall x. $

$ ~~~~ ( \forall a, b.~( $

$ ~~~~~~ \texttt{typeof}(a) = \texttt{"number"} ~\wedge~ $

$ ~~~~~~ \texttt{typeof}(b) = \texttt{"number"} ~\Rightarrow~ $

$ ~~~~~~ max(a, b) \ge a ) ) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ x = max(23, 42) $

$ \Longrightarrow x \ge 23$

Challenges for Verification:
Higher-order Functions

  • Higher-order Functions
    • Need syntax to describe function arguments
    • Introduces quantifiers into verification conditions
  • Proposed Solution: spec syntax and bounded, trigger-based quantifier instantiation algorithm
    • Function calls act as explicit triggers for instantiation
    • Avoids brittle instantiation heuristics, matching loops and SMT solver timeouts
    • Ensure decidable and predictable verification process

Quantifier Instantiation (1/3)

function inc (x) {
  ensures(y => Number.isInteger(y) && y > x);
  return x + 1;

$ \forall x. \{ call(x) \} \Rightarrow $

$ \left( isInt(x) ~\Rightarrow~pre(\texttt{inc}, x) \right) ~\wedge~ \left( isInt(x) \wedge \,post(\texttt{inc}, x)~\Rightarrow~ \texttt{inc}(x) > x \right)) $

  • $\{ call(x) \}$ is a trigger pattern
  • $pre(\texttt{inc}, x)$ and $post(\texttt{inc}, x)$ uninterpreted function symbols
  • $pre(\texttt{inc}, x)$ is satisfied by any integer value for $x$
  • $post(\texttt{inc}, x)$ and precondition together imply $\texttt{inc}(x) > x$

Quantifier Instantiation (2/3)

function inc (x) {
  ensures(y => Number.isInteger(y) && y > x);
  return x + 1;
const y = inc(23);
assert(y > 23);

$ \forall y. $

$ ~~~~~~ \left( \forall x. \{ call(x) \} \Rightarrow \left( ...~\Rightarrow~pre(\texttt{inc}, x) \right) \wedge~ \left( ... \wedge \, post(\texttt{inc}, x) ~\Rightarrow~ ... \right) \right) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ call(23) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ post(\texttt{inc}, 23) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ y = \texttt{inc}(23) $

$ \Longrightarrow y > 23 $

Quantifier Instantiation (3/3)

function inc (x) {
  ensures(y => Number.isInteger(y) && y > x);
  return x + 1;
const y = inc(23);
assert(y > 23);

$ \forall y. $

$ ~~~~~~\, \left( isInt(23) ~\Rightarrow~pre(\texttt{inc}, 23) \right) $

$ \wedge~~~~ \left( isInt(23) ~\wedge~post(\texttt{inc},23)~\Rightarrow~ \texttt{inc}(23) > 23 \right) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ post(\texttt{inc}, 23) $

$ \wedge ~~~~ y = \texttt{inc}(23) $

$ \Longrightarrow y > 23$

Higher-order Functions: Twice

function inc (x) {
  ensures(y => Number.isInteger(y) && y > x);
  return x + 1;

function twice (f, n) { requires(spec(f, (x) => Number.isInteger(x), (x,y) => Number.isInteger(y) && y > x)); requires(Number.isInteger(n)); ensures(res => res >= n + 2); return f(f(n)); }
const m = twice(inc, 3); assert(m >= 5);

Higher-order Functions:
Comparing Specifications

function f (g) {
  requires( spec(g,   x => x > 3,   (x, y) => y > 9));
  assert(   spec(g,   x => x > 4,   (x, y) => y > 8));
  • The spec on g in the precondition satisfies the second, asserted spec
  • This corresponds to co- and contravariance in function subtyping

Challenges for Verification:
Recursive Data Types

  • Nested recursive data structures (records, lists, trees)
  • Proposed Solution: Simple immutable "classes" with invariants
    • Check invariant when creating instances
    • Instantiate invariant when accessing properties
    • Simple concept enables various applications
      • MergeSort algorithm, Promise API, Parameterized List

Simple Immutable Classes: Adder

class Adder {
  constructor (base) { this.base = base; }
  invariant () { return Number.isInteger(this.base); }
  addTo (n) {
    return this.base + n;

function f (a) {
  requires(a instanceof Adder);
  ensures(res => res !== 2); // does not hold for "new A(-1)"
  return a.addTo(3);

$ \forall x. \{ access(x) \} \Rightarrow \left( ~x ~~\texttt{instanceof} ~~ \texttt{Adder} ~\Rightarrow~ isInt(x.base) \right) $

esverify Verification Process

Formal Development with $\lambda^S$

  • Pure functional core language with logical propositions as pre- and postconditions
  • Verification rules similar to typing rules but also generate verification conditions
  • Verification is sound:
    • Verified programs execute without getting stuck
  • Verification algorithm is decidable
    • Decision procedure terminates for all inputs
  • Complete mechanized proof in Lean

Refinement Typing with $\lambda^T$

$T \in \text{Types} ~::=~ \{~x: B~|~ R~\} ~|~ x:T \rightarrow T \hspace{2.5em} B ~::=~ \text{Bool}~|~ \text{Int}$

  • Refinement types translate to annotations
    • Dependent function types translate to spec
  • Conjuecture that well-typed programs translate to verifiable programs
    • Proof is work in progress

Related Work

  • Dafny
    • Verified programming language
    • Supports imperative programming with dynamic frames
    • Instantiation Heuristics can be unpredictable
    • Very limited higher-order functional programming
  • LiquidHaskell
    • Refined Base Types and Dependent Function Types
    • Similar instantiation as esverify
  • Decades of prior work on program verification


  • Static verification for a dynamically-typed language
    • Annotate code with boolean expressions instead of types
    • Support for dynamically-typed idioms, e.g. Promise
    • Higher-order functional programming with spec
    • Comparable expressiveness to refinement type systems
  • Bounded quantifier instantiation algorithm
    • Avoid brittle heuristics but requires explicit triggers
  • Future work
    • Object-oriented and imperative programming
    • Interactive tools and Development Environments

(see also

Promises in ECMAScript 2019 Promise Resolve Functions

When a promise resolve function F is called with argument resolution, the following steps are taken:

  1. ...
  2. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution).
  3. Let then be Get(resolution, "then").
  4. If then is an abrupt completion, then return RejectPromise(promise, then).
  5. If IsCallable(then) is false, then return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution).
  6. Perform EnqueueJob("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, « promise, resolution, then »).
  7. Return undefined.

Quantifier Instantiation Algorithm

  1. Let $P$ be the verification condition
  2. Let $n$ be the maximum level of quantifier nesting in $P$
  3. Repeat $n$ times:
    1. Instantiate every universal quantifier in negative position in $P$ with every call trigger in negative position
    2. Lift all universal quantifiers in positive position to top level
  4. Erase all quantifiers
  5. Pass the quantifier-free formula to the SMT solver

JavaScript as a Theorem Prover

function proof_f_mono (f, proof_f_inc, n, m) {
  // f is a function from non-negative int to int
      (x) => Number.isInteger(x) && x >= 0,
      (x, y) => Number.isInteger(y) && pure()));
  // proof_f_inc states that f is increasing
      x => Number.isInteger(x) && x >= 0,
      x => f(x) <= f(x + 1) && pure()));
  requires(Number.isInteger(n) && n >= 0);
  requires(Number.isInteger(m) && m >= 0);
  requires(n < m);
  // show that f is increasing for arbitrary n,m
  ensures(f(n) <= f(m));
  ensures(pure()); // no side effects
  proof_f_inc(n); // instantiate proof for n
  if (n + 1 < m) {
    // invoke induction hypothesis (I.H.)
    proof_f_mono(f, proof_f_inc, n + 1, m);
